About Us

Ujjwala K. Jadhav
Healer/Taro Reader
I was a working woman before even turning 20 when I started my journey as a teacher in Kolhapur and have been a strong independent woman since then. Since moving to Mumbai in the year 2000, I have worked hard to grow my career and have been working as an IT designer since more than a decade.

In-spite of my successful IT Designer career, I had always wished to carve a separate identity of my own. With that vision in mind and because of my inner calling, I learnt Energy healing and Tarot Card reading during my free time. This journey started in 2019 and since then, despite long working hours, I learnt more as this became my passion.

Healing is something that I did not ever think I would do or choose as a passion, but it chose me. I started practicing what I learnt & amp; did Tarot card reading of friends and acquaintances for guidance. I also started healing those who asked my help. I did not do it for monetary benefits, but I wanted to help people and guide them to make their life better. I still do so and will always be willing to help those in need.
I slowly expanded my horizon and ventured into crystal healing, candle healing & reiki healing apart from the Power of the Trinity. Healing people has become more than just an activity for me, it has become a sort of my life purpose. Healing helps in removing negative energies from people’s life, clear blockages and helps bring positive change in their lives. With good practice and better confidence in my learnings, I started to make Tarot card readings for outsiders and helped guide them in their various life endeavours. This has culminated in me starting my own entrepreneurship initiative “ALLEVIIATE” in my capacity and under this I have various activities which include different types of Healing like Candle Healing, Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, Power of Trinity etc., Tarot card reading, Crystal sales in the form of bracelets, trees, water bottles, wall hangings etc. I have recently started and completed my 1st batch of Tarot card reading online course and am also starting a course on Power of Trinity & Chakra Healing. I am also planning to start courses on Candle healing & Reiki healing in due course of time.